Curriculum Overview


Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form

On rotation with Design & Technology: Healthy Eating & Food Preparation

This food unit will allow students to grasp basic preparation s and cooking skills such as: - Measuring - Taste testing - Food preparation - Basic knife skills - Safe use of the hob and oven Whilst learning these key skills students will cook a range of savoury and sweet dishes from soup to scones.

Students will learn about Food Safety and Hygiene as well as practical skills. Students will be taught the importance of a Healthy Diet and guidelines to a healthy and balanced diet.

Adaption of a recipe - students should take a recipe we have already completed and adapt it, this will be soup in first unit and scones in the second unit.

A vegetable baton or stick.

Micronutrient that supplies the body with energy.

Healthy, balanced diet
a diet that contains the correct proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water necessary for good health, to grow properly, be active and maintain a healthy body.

Change something in a recipe e.g. an ingredient or cooking method to make it more suitable for current guidelines for a healthy diet.

Heat transfer
The way in which heat energy is passed into food

Heat transfer
The way in which heat energy is passed into food

Transferring heat through a solid object into food

Transferring heat through a liquid or air into food

Transferring heat by infra-red waves that heat up what they come in to contact with

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Healthy eating and nutrition is important for individual well being and eating a healthy balanced diet. Students learn key life skills needed to prepare and cook healthy meals.

Create a supportive community:
Students will work together in some aspects of practical tasks and will share kitchen space. They will support each other when cooking and work together in cleaning up and organising their work area.